Adult RecitalRegistration Form Performer's Name * First Name Last Name Duet Partner's Name (if applicable) If none, leave blank First Name Last Name Title of Piece (include Movement, if any) * Composer * Instrument * Exact Timing of piece * Name of Accompanist, if using if none, leave blank First Name Last Name Does the performer require special accommodations or considerations? (E.g., accessibility, special needs, etc) * Yes No If yes, please specify: Performer's Teacher * First Name Last Name Email * The students registered on this form agree to abide by the dress code * I Agree Media Consent: I consent and authorize MTAC and MTAC Branches to capture, use, reproduce, and distribute images, video, and audio recordings of me, including my musical performance or quoted statements, for promotional and educational purposes. I agree that use of such images and recordingd may personally identify me by name, unless I notify MTAC or MTAC Branches otherwise in writing, and are without any compensation to me. I agree to waive and release any and all claims related to the use of these images and recordings. MTAC owns the sole copyright to the images and recordings taken by MTAC. I Agree Privacy Policy: I agree to take video and screenshots of myself only. I understand that I may not share, distribute, or post pictures or videos of any students besides those designated on this form in any public forum, including social media, or privately, and that legal action may be taken to address violations of this policy. * I Agree By typing your name below, you are signing this registration form electronically. You agree that your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this form. Performer's Email * Thank you!